

Degree Title: Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)

Total Credit Hours: 194 credit hours

Program Duration: 10 semesters over 5 academic years (15-16 weeks per semester)

Language of Instruction: Primarily English.


To achieve excellence in innovative pharmacy education, services and profession, and

research hence improve healthcare of the community.


To educate, prepare and provide life-long learning opportunities for students, pharmacists and scientists while creating, disseminating and applying skills and recent evidence- based knowledge on research in pharmaceutical, social and clinical sciences to improve and assume an active role in providing ethical, skilled and compassionate patient care to improve quality of life for the Sudanese community. 


Partnership - Learning by support and encouragement of students centered, ability-based learning, teaching of new concepts in healthcare delivery systems, life-long learning and intellectual curiosity.

Integrity - Fostering, encouraging and expecting honesty and the highest ethical standards in all that we do.

Respect – Nurturing a culture of professionalism with respect for the dignity of all persons, honoring the unique contributions provided by a diversity of perspectives and cultures.

Teamwork – We aim to create interdisciplinary, synergistic and collegial relationships characterized by collaboration, inclusiveness and flexibility.

Creativity – We encourage and support innovation, imagination, ingenuity, resourcefulness and vision.

Excellence – We strive to achieve, through continuous improvement and adherence to institutional policies and best practices, the highest quality and standards in all our endeavors.

Program Objectives

The Program in Pharmacy leads to an academic professional degree and constitutes the basis for the professional status qualification of pharmacist.

The study program prepares students for continued education at third cycle level. The Program in Pharmacy shall give students the knowledge and skills needed to work independently as a pharmacist, both in Sudan and abroad. The Program in Pharmacy at Nahda College has a bioscience, research preparative, profile. The pedagogy used on the Program in Pharmacy is based on research and problematizes the program content. An important educational aspect of the program is the large number of applied elements in the form of examination-linked laboratory sessions.

Program Outcomes

By the end of this program, the graduates will have full comprehension and understanding of:

1. Scientific principles involving, IT skills, Organic Chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Medicinal Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Phytotherapy, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Therapeutics, Pharmacy Practice and Biostatistics.

2. Drug discovery process from natural products and synthetic compounds with special focus on lead finding and optimisation, structure-activity relationship and computer-aided drug design, and modern medicinal chemistry.

3. Compounding techniques and skills for production of sterile and non-sterile pharmaceutical products.

4. Good dispensing practices.

5. Different techniques and skills related to pharmaceutical industry and research with special reference to quality assurance.

6. National and global legislation of conventional and herbal medicines.

7. Processes of drug marketing, management, and pharmacoeconomics.

8. Different aspects of pharmacotherapy.

9. The patient-centred pharmaceutical services within the primary care and community setting.

10. Applying pharmaceutical principles in assessing patient health–related information to improve therapeutic outcomes.

11. Effective participation in different national pharmacy and therapeutic committees.

12. Recognizing patients’ social, cultural and moral concerns and/or values systems and consistent use of information for appropriate professional interactions.

13. Principles of evidence-based medicine.

14. Providing drug information, effective patient counselling and professional team interaction within the framework of pharmaceutical care systems.

15. Drug-related problems with special emphasis on medication errors and interventions to stop or minimize them.

16. Different elements related to research methodology.

17. Concept of collaboration with other healthcare providers to formulate a successful pharmaceutical care plan.

18. Effective inter-personal, pharmacist-patient and inter and intra-professional communication skills.

19. Importance and implementation of documentation of pharmaceutical care activity in the patient’s medical record.

20. Pharmacist’s Code of Ethics and its consistent utilization in all professional interactions.

21. Utilization of pharmacokinetic data in therapeutic drug monitoring to make appropriate patient-specific drug therapy recommendations.

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